Plinko App

Terms and Conditions

When you register on the Plinko App service, you are required to read our terms and conditions and agree to accept them. The rules relate to the privacy policy and cookies, the collection and storage of users’ personal data, as well as the use of the information presented in our sections.

Privacy Policy

As part of obtaining and subsequently using our user status, you provide a range of your personal data. This includes your email address, payment methods, contact telephone number, and personal information provided during profile verification. You give your consent to their processing literally at the moment you use the service. You can change the terms and conditions at any time in the settings, as well as prohibit the collection and processing of your data. This data collection greatly helps in influencing user behavior, regulating their gaming activities, and most importantly, identifying violators of the basic rules.

Cookie Policy

Cookies are a means of collecting and processing data about user actions within the platform. They store information such as comments, votes, payments, interactions with other users, and the use of individual functions. Compliance with this policy and user participation in it allows us to improve the quality of our services.

Copyright Agreement

When using the services of our service, you should remember that the information presented here is posted absolutely free of charge. Users can use it for their own purposes, copy it, and send it to third-party resources. The main requirement is to indicate the authorship of the site. Copying and stealing information without attribution is strictly prohibited. In doing so, it is important to remember that we in turn also observe such a rule. This is why you can find links to third-party sources on our resources, from where our experts may have taken information.